Postdoctoral Researcher
Office 2.026
Argelander Institute for Astronomy,
University of Bonn
Auf Dem Hügel 71, 53121 Bonn
Hello there!
I am a theoretical cosmologist with main interests in the very early Universe and questions pertaining to the origins of the cosmos and the conditions during the first few milliseconds after the Big Bang (energy scalesi≳i10iMeV). I am especially interested in magnetic fields and gravitational waves (GWs) in cosmological settings.
Brief Employment History
Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bonn. Prior to this, I was a visiting researcher at the University of Geneva, where I still have ongoing collaborations. I obtained my PhD (thesis) in 2023 from Princeton University. More details about my employment history can be found in my CV.
Ongoing Research Directions (More details can be found here)
Macroscopic effects of the chiral anomaly on primordial magnetic fields and vorticity
Generation of stochastic Gravitational waves and vorticity during cosmological (first-order) phase transitions
Generation of magnetic fields during inflation with a focus on generating helical fields in axion inflationary models
Magnetic fields in the voids of the large scale structure (LSS)
Here is my tongue-in-cheek bio written for our PhD program website, that outlines my winding journey to theoretical physics.